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Kayak Fishing DVD

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Kayak Fishing DVD - 518e79rgOAL

Film Info

Release Date
February 01, 2008
Ken Whiting
Scott Null, Joel McBride
Run Time
60 min.

Film Partners

Kayaks are easy to paddle and can get anglers into new and otherwise inaccessible waters - and as a result, kayak fishing is one of the fastest growing sports in North America. Kayak Fishing, The Ultimate Guide; is the most comprehensive DVD on the subject, following Scott Null and Joel McBride through all the basics that will give the new kayak angler a solid foundation of skills and concepts, and allow a safe and comfortable entry into the sport. Scott and Joel draw on their vast experience in both kayaking and fishing to offer viewers a wealth of tips and tricks that will also help more experienced anglers get the most out of their time spent on the water.

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