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Whitewater of the Southern Rockies

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Whitewater of the Southern Rockies - 51EcN0iEUpL

Book Info

Release Date
May 01, 2007
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Tiny drops of water melt from snow in the 14,000-foot peaks of the Rocky Mountains. Each drop gathers with another, and another, and eventually those drops reach salt water in one of four places, thousands of miles away from their origin. This book covers the hundreds of rivers and creeks that form in the mountains and flow through the hills and deserts of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Wyoming. The most comprehensive catalog of class II - V+ kayaking and rafting sections ever compiled, and lit up with over 300 full-page color photos that say more than words can. A clear design, succinct river descriptions, and precise beta boxes make this the whitewater guidebook of choice.

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