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Dances with Waves: Around Ireland by Kayak

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Dances with Waves: Around Ireland by Kayak - 51rNJs85V7L

Book Info

Release Date
January 01, 2008
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"Dances with Waves" has all the ingredients of a great adventure - danger, high drama, narrow escapes, bizarre encounters. On Brian Wilson's solo 1200-mile voyage around the coast of Ireland, his little kayak is lashed by the tail-wind of Hurricane Gusta, bombarded by the incontinent gannets of the Skelligs, and almost run down by a ghost galleon off Mizen Head. Sherkin Island pirates kidnap him for ransom, his boat is claimed as wreckage by the beachcombers of Connemara, and he receives an ecstatic welcome from Fungi, the Dingle Dolphin. Add to this diversions into sea-lore, local legend, music and history and you have a yarn that will entertain landlubbers and sailors alike.

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