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Kayak Touring: Canoe & Kayak Techniques

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Kayak Touring: Canoe & Kayak Techniques - 51NR7GFTH0L

Book Info

Release Date
January 01, 1998
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30 pencil drawings 7 x 9. Concise, illustrated guides to specific canoe and kayak techniques Step-by-step descriptions of paddle strokes and maneuvers Tips for packing and loading boats, rescuing, portaging, reading water The three books in this new series are concise, crisply illustrated guides to paddling techniques compiled from the pages of Canoe & Kayak magazine. Each book contains some 30 articles on specific maneuvers written by top competitors and instructors, and each article is illustrated by Bruce Morser, an award-winning artist and regular contributor to Canoe & Kayak. The books also contain sections on packing and outfitting boats, executing rescue techniques, and using paddling games to develop skills. Focusing primarily on the growing sport of sea kayaking, this collection covers launching and landing in surf, navigating through wind and waves, developing strokes for long-distance paddling, and staying on course in blind crossings.

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