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Whitewater Rafting: The Essential Guide to Equipment and Techniques (Adventure Sports Series)

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Whitewater Rafting: The Essential Guide to Equipment and Techniques (Adventure Sports Series) - 51YT00F9ERL

Book Info

Release Date
March 01, 2001
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A recreational activity suitable for almost anyone, fit or not, including the disabled, whitewater rafting attracts the more adventurous among us. This book offers detailed descriptions of the activity and the techniques needed to enjoy it. Sections on day-tripping, outings with commercial operators, organizing your own trips, expeditionary work and extreme rafting cover the wide range of experiences the sport has to offer. Emphasis in the book is placed on important aspects such as training, security precautions, emergency procedures, basic first aid, and leaving nothing behind you. A list of contacts and websites is also included.

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