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International Lifeguard Training Program

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International Lifeguard Training Program - 5118WB182CL

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Release Date
November 30, 2006
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Lifeguarding is a challenging and rewarding job. As a lifeguard, you are responsible for the safety and welfare of your quests in an aquatic facility. It is critical that you learn lifesaving skills the right way! Ellis & Associates International Lifeguard Training Program (ILTP)TM provides the highest level of lifeguard training. Lifeguards who complete the ILTPTM program have safety and service skills that far exceed current industry standards. This leads to superior performances and the development of lifeguards who have the ability to protect both guests and themselves. E&A licensed lifeguards consistently demonstrate their excellence through their accountability, professionalism, competency, and service. The E&A International Lifeguard Training ProgramTM guidelines have revolutionized the aquatic safety industry, and are continuing to set new and higher standards worldwide.

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