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Outdoor Parents, Outdoor Kids: A Guide to Getting Your Kids Active in the Great Outdoors

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Outdoor Parents, Outdoor Kids: A Guide to Getting Your Kids Active in the Great Outdoors - 51pOIuv84QL

Book Info

Release Date
March 01, 2010
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There is a movement upon us and it's full of parents who refuse to let their children become a statistic of childhood obesity, and who understand the fate of the environment rests with connecting their kids with the outdoors. Outdoors Parents, Outdoor Kids shines a much needed headlamp on helping parents accomplish this and more. With an informative and entertaining look at biking, camping, swimming, paddling, snowsports, hiking, fishing, climbing and more, award-winning author Eugene Buchanan extends parents a helping hand in getting their kids outside and instilling in them a respect for their health and the environment. It's a set of training wheels for first-time parents and an essential guide for hair-pulling veterans.

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