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Kayak Fishing: The Ultimate Guide DVD

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Kayak Fishing: The Ultimate Guide DVD - 31LL9Ss5wVL

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Kayaks are easy to paddle and can get anglers into new and otherwise inaccessible waters. The Ultimate Guide to Kayak Fishing is the most comprehensive DVD on the sport. Following experts Scott Null and Joel McBride through all the basics, this DVD will give the new kayak angler a solid foundation of skills and concepts, and allow a safe and comfortable entry into the sport. For the more experienced angler, Scott and Joel draw on their vast experience in both kayaking and fishing to offer a wealth of tips and tricks. Get the most out of your time on the water!

All the necessary equipment
The fundamentals of kayak fishing
The essential strokes
Bait and lure fishing from a kayak
Fly fishing from a kayak
Fighting and landing fish from a kayak
Freshwater kayak fishing
Saltwater kayak fishing
Kayak fishing safety
And much more...

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