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Guide to Sea Kayaking on Lakes Superior and Michigan: The Best Day Trips and Tours (Regional Sea Kayaking Series)

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Guide to Sea Kayaking on Lakes Superior and Michigan: The Best Day Trips and Tours (Regional Sea Kayaking Series) - 51QEPYYA2SL

Book Info

Release Date
May 01, 1999
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Let three expert kayakers guide you through some of the most exciting kayaking to be found on Lakes Superior and Michigan. In this guide you will find full descriptions of 49 trips, each carefully rated so that any kayaker can safely and confidently paddle on these inland seas. In addition, mile-by-mile descriptions and detailed maps for each route will help you navigate with ease some of the most beautiful and rugged habitats on the planet. Whether exploring quiet cobble beaches or the coastlines of sandstone cliffs, navigating sea caves or exposed rocky headlands, this book is a must for all sea kayakers.

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