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The Complete Paddler: A Guidebook for Paddling the Missouri River from the Headwaters to St. Louis, Missouri

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The Complete Paddler: A Guidebook for Paddling the Missouri River from the Headwaters to St. Louis, Missouri - 51IJjSB2F6L

Book Info

Release Date
February 28, 2005
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This comprehensive guide to paddling the Missouri River is invaluable to paddlers of all skill levels. Kayaker and map-maker David Miller spent three summers paddling the mighty Missouri from the headwaters in Montana to St. Louis and, from the seat of his sea kayak, mapped the entire route with the use of his GPS system. An experienced paddler, Miller offers up vital information for anyone seeking to float even the shortest stretch of the MissouriÂ’s storied waters. This guidebook offers excellent information on every stretch of the river, including river hazards, campgrounds, potable water, and attractions, as well as historic sites.

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