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Swiftwater Rescue: A Manual for the Rescue Professional

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Swiftwater Rescue: A Manual for the Rescue Professional - 514JJ4Y00BL

Book Info

Release Date
January 01, 1997
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A comprehensive manual for swiftwater and flood rescue, aimed at rescue squads, firefighters, EMS personnel and administrators -- as well as anyone who might be faced with the possibility of a flood or swiftwater rescue. Topics include basic rescuer safety considerations, river hydrology, equipment, shore-based, boat-based, and in-water rescue techniques, medical considerations, rigging for river rescue, incident command, and swiftwater training. Densely illustrated with 235 line drawings and over 100 photographs, Swiftwater Rescue also covers advanced subjects like the use of helicopters and special situations like low-head dams and flood channel rescues.

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