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Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba: Journey by Canoe Through the Land Where the Spirit Lives

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Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba: Journey by Canoe Through the Land Where the Spirit Lives - 513H28QSFZL

Book Info

Release Date
March 06, 2004
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Manitoba is a canoeist's paradise with more than 100,000 lakes and rivers flowing through rolling prairie, boreal forests, delta marshlands, rugged Precambrian shield country and northern tundra. Wilson spent four years traversing 2,500 miles of historic fur-trade routes and traditional native water routes to research this book. Wilderness Rivers of Manitoba unlocks the mysteries of navigating this remarkable landscape, providing both regional and international canoeing enthusiasts with essential expedition information. Trips include: - Le Petite Nord - Bloodvein River - Gammon River - Pigeon River - Berens River - The Middle Track - Hayes River - Cochrane River - Grass River - Land of Little Sticks - Thlewiaza River - Caribou River - Seal River - Manigotagan River - Sasaginnigak and Leyond River

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