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Paddle Your Own Kayak: An Illustrated Guide to the Art of Kayaking

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Paddle Your Own Kayak: An Illustrated Guide to the Art of Kayaking - 51wiHuKaN1L

Book Info

Release Date
May 12, 2008
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Outstanding reviews for the authors' Paddle Your Own Canoe: "This is the best book on how to canoe." - Canoe and Kayak

"Absolutely the best canoe paddling book on the planet! Clear writing, world-class photography... This book rocks!" - Canoeing icon Cliff Jacobson

Paddle Your Own Canoe set a new standard for how-to-canoe books. In this much-anticipated follow-up, Gary and Joanie McGuffin use the same model for the art of kayaking. The authors discuss the kayak's Inuit history, types of kayaking, recommended kayak sizes and shapes, and proper gear and clothing. They also offer expert, step-by-step instructions on all of the sport's essential techniques.

Illustrated with more than 600 color photographs and illustrations, Paddle Your Own Kayak is designed for both seasoned and novice kayaker, offering guidance on:

 *Balancing the body
 *Strokes and maneuvers
 *Paddling fundamentals
 *Recoveries and rescues
 *Carrying and launching
 *Weather and water conditions techniques
 *Staying centered
 *Navigation methods.

A special section on kayak camping provides good advice on what to look for in a destination, how to select a site, packing your kayak, setting up tents and shelters, meal preparation, water filtration, first aid and much more.


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