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A Paddler's Guide to Ontario

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A Paddler's Guide to Ontario - 51JD5BHAX7L

Book Info

Release Date
March 13, 2003
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One of Ontario's most popular canoeing guides takes readers on some of the province's best canoe routes. Each route -- ranging from a two-day paddle in Frontenac Provincial Park to a week-long expedition down Pukaskwa's White River -- includes detailed descriptions, maps of all access points, accurate portage lengths, and advice on everything from running rapids to shuttle arrangements. Some of the routes included are: - Frontenac - Mazinaw-Mississippi - Madawaska - Barron River Canyon - Algonquin - Magnetawan - French River - Killarney - Spanish River - Temagami - White River - Upper Missinaibi - Quetico

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