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Verve Explorer

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Verve Explorer - 11679_226_1322553759
Verve Explorer - 11679_22601_1322553759

Short Facts


Via A. De Gasperi 29
Casarza Ligure

Phone: +39 185469013

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Available in 5 different colors yellow, red , blue, special Italy and lady


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Verve is the Excellence multipurpose kayak. Super easy for beginners, stable and handy, is an excellent companion for those who live kayak adventures in large scale. Starting from a quite sunday on the lake to an exciting river-trip, or practicing kayak fishing on the sea to your first whitewater experience, Verve has never “misplaced”. Verve Explorer is the right version for who lives his day adventure. In addition to the SUN versioni it has waterbottle holder and bungee on the deck and big watertight storage.

Key features:

Deck water bottle storage
Deck bungee
Big stern watertight storage

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