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EZG 60
Write Review
Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Robert Peerson
Stats (Metric)
206 cms / 6'9.1"
65 cms / 25.6"
33 cms / 13"
14.8 kg / 33 lbs
227 ltr / 60 gal
Minimum Paddler Weight
82 kg / 181 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
109 kg / 240 lbs
The latest in river running playboat design.
A combination of river running characteristics found in our classic EZ series meshed with high performance play features from our ZG series. The best of both worlds in a user friendly, high performance, river running play machine.
A combination of river running characteristics found in our classic EZ series meshed with high performance play features from our ZG series. The best of both worlds in a user friendly, high performance, river running play machine.
User reviews
(Updated: June 17, 2008)
Overall rating
Value / Money
EZG is for me
About the reviewer
I have been paddling for two years now and am currently employed as an instructor in white water kayaking and rafting. among other stuff...... and am a consistant grade 4 paddler getting ready to step into the bigger stuff just as soon as i get the chance.Test environment
Penrith white water stadium, the Tully River with the sub station running at all four turbines (88Meg) and a good two weeks of solid rain, so high 90's at the top and well over 100meg from about half way down. and the Barron at 60MegReview
I first of all will say this. i am yet to sit in a kayak that is fitted out better than any of the wavesport fleet. comfortable and easy to use, and the thigh braces are just kick arse. i didn't run with the standard foam foot rest as i had been waiting for 10 MONTHS for the fluid boats to arrive in Oz before i lost the plot and went with the EZG60 as a result the shop owner through in a set of Jackson Happy Feet for all the waiting i had gone through. This has proved to be a match made in heaven. my first go in the boat was at our white water stadium, SOOOO how did it go?? this boat can cartwheel easy enough on flat and in holes. although its added lenght does take some more muscle. the thing i noticed most was how much i had to keep leaning forward (this is of course always good practice) if i didn't then it was tail stand city. this wasn't a problem untill i ran the top stretch of the Tully at good strong flow and got into a hairy area called the Theatre a colection of four grade 4 rapids in quick succesion (Ninja, Eagles Nest, Chain Rock and Full Stop with the Scales of Justice just above it) it was here that i staretd to have my doubts about the boat, not to mention that that part of the river had clamed a couple of lives in recent years. in short the boat has too little volume for the drops that i had to run, with the distace between each rapid only a couple of meters the boat would sink for to long and i had white out untill the last minute. often giving me fuck all time to try and correct my line if i needed to this then lead to me leaning back and then tail standing onto the next drop. all good though and i came out of the rest of the river just fine. it is good at what it says it can do, i could catch waves the whole way down that my mate couldn't and playing in holes was great. i also took it on the Barron at 60 Meg and it was great its very responsive and easy to roll eather with or with out a paddle, and its extra lenght gives it enough speed to punch most holes (so long as you lean forward)it also squirt turns and bow stalls with some practice.Conclusion
I love the boat for comfort and responsivness, i also think that its lenght gives it the speed you often need in river running. i would however probably not use it again to run high tech grade 4. its just not got the right volume distribution for my weight and sinks to deep. that in mind with all the rescue gear i carry and with my weight i am probably pushing the limits on this boat. oh well i'll also probably be stupid enough to run the top in it again haha. Wavesport have made a wicked boat however and i am glad i bought it!Review
About Me
Location: Australia, Penrith, Tully, Barron
Age: 26
Weight: 96 kgs
Age: 26
Weight: 96 kgs
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(Updated: March 23, 2007)
Overall rating
Value / Money
Wave Sport EZG60 Review
About myself
I have been paddling for more than 3 years now. I paddle as often as I can and paddle all types of rivers. Playboating, river running, overnight trips and creeking. I’ve had this boat for a good couple of months now.
About the test environment
In the mostly, shallow, rocky rivers of South Africa. Couple of big volume runs too. The Buffalo at a high level, the Ash at about 40 cumecs.
+ awesome outfitting and super comfortable. I've got the first block of foam in and paddle with the seat all the way forward. Maybe I've got shorter legs than most. Thigh braces are the best I’ve ever come across. Back band always in place. Soft seat. Hip pads work well and everything is easily adjustable.
+ Flat spins pretty well, but not as loose as my ZG54 and actually cartwheels really well in a hole. Flat water tricks require some more muscle than most but extremely well balanced. Slices super easy. I can loop this boat on the flats with no over thruster.
+ Can do nice big blunts but needs a bigger, faster wave than like when paddling my other boat, the ZG54.
+ Carving on the ocean is easy and the boat responds nicely to edge transition.
+ The extra speed is useful for getting out fast in the ocean.
+Boofs well, not very edgy and a very good river runner. I have been really impressed with this boat.
• I’m not convinced the plastic is the best. On my first run in this boat I managed to gouge out two scratches in the bottom and it dented in too. This has proved to be permanent. Plastic seems too soft. If the boat is left in the hot sun, like 35/40 degrees C, the boat is very soft and will dent in if sat on.
I still love this boat and have paddled it quite a few times recently. I still do my park and play in my ZG54 and my creek boat is still a Necky Blunt. I find this boat fills the gap nicely.
I can play in holes, surf waves, do wave wheels to my hearts content and also run tougher, technical rapids in confidence. Taking some split paddles, rescue gear, some food and water is not really a problem. No issues with cramped feet. I can sit in this boat all day long and no complaints. For my weight, this boat is perfect for some river running play. Try it, you might like it.
About Me
Location: South Africa
Age: 25
Weight: 85 kgs
Age: 25
Weight: 85 kgs
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