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Short Facts
Stats (Metric)
Wakeboards, trick skis, snowboards, skateboards and just about any other trick performance toy designed to be maneuverable and fun are short. Shorter is better when you want a boat that reacts as fast as you think. The EZ’s volume is concentrated around your body, keeping you floating high and your tips out of the water, where they can’t catch, making river running easier. Boofing, turning and eddy hopping will never be the same. Paddle to a shallow pourover and cartwheel until you’ve had enough without beating your boat and body on the rocks. Clean cartwheels on the bow and stern in flatwater, counter clockwheels, aerial moves, and every other trick in the book can all be yours. When you’re ready to take your local play spot for all it’s worth, the EZ will be there for the taking. "
User reviews
It's not a beginner boat but a great transition boat into more advanced playboating.
Most comfortable boat for my size I had ever paddled until the Jitsu.

about me:
5' 9" 145lbs. size 10 feet.
been kayaking off and on for many years. stick to class III-VI. mostly on rental and borrowed boats. this is my second boat of my own. my first planing hull playboat style boat.
This boat took me into the modern days of Kayaking like a rocket ship! i went from years of borrowed round hull 10 ' boats to this! stability is insane. it's slow as week old molasses. tracks straight as can be expected, i've paddled around on flatwater just fine, dont know why people complain about that. Boat turns on a dime too! i can easily 360 it without using the paddle.
secondary stability is amazing for such hard edges. landing sideways on boofs or drop-ins is like landing on the hull because the sides are so flat. Speaking of boofs, this thing boofs so easily you might do backflips!
takes about 3 full strokes to get moving, it's like a weird lag.
flatwater tricks are a little hard for me being so light for the boat,but it could be skill too. when i can get it to ender, it shoots me out like a rocket!
generally love this boat and plan to thrash it until it sinks. then get another. hoping to find a wavesport Y too, for a creekboat with the same amazing hull.
A good boat for beginners
About the reviewer
I've padle for about 5 years now, I think.I started padle whith a friend in the pool playing kayakpolo, and I still does. It's verry funny sport, but the are not sow many who plays it in Norway and that's sad.
My friend got me to buy a Wavesport EZ and form the first time i padle in the river I was bitten by the bassil
Test environment
I've tested it in Vrangfoss in Vestfold in Norway, also in Voss and Nidelva near ArendalI think the grades was form I to IV.
The boat are good, goes easely in to the waves and has got good surf abilites. It's a bit too long for playboating in low water. When creeking the boat are very easely flipt backwords becouse of the flat back on the boat.The space in the boat is good enough, but to padle in it for some hours is not so comfortable as I like it to be. The seat is not so much to speak of either, it ok...
The EZ is a good beginner boat and may use it as a allrounder.....Review
Age: 19
Weight: 75 kgs