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Diesel 70
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Stats (Metric)
244 cms / 8'0.1"
65 cms / 25.6"
32 cms / 12.6"
18 kg / 40 lbs
265 ltr / 70 gal
Cockpit Length
85 cms / 33.5"
Cockpit Width
48 cms / 18.9"
Minimum Paddler Weight
54 kg / 119 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
86 kg / 190 lbs
They’ve called it the 4x4 of kayaks.
The SUV of river-runners. Runs rapids like a fast creekboat and also has a hull that will spin on green waves. Now it’s all that and more. Peaked deck for resurfacing - check. A honed combination of planing hull and continuous rocker for the ultimate in agility - check. New outfitting that will let Sasquatch fit in a kayak – big, hairy, check. This isn’t just an evolution of the original. Welcome to the next gen of river-running.
• Thermoformed seat and hull beam
• Plush thermoformed seat pad
• Thigh ratchet backband
• Adjustable thigh-hooks
• Rotomolded bulkhead system
• Four deep pocket grab handles
The SUV of river-runners. Runs rapids like a fast creekboat and also has a hull that will spin on green waves. Now it’s all that and more. Peaked deck for resurfacing - check. A honed combination of planing hull and continuous rocker for the ultimate in agility - check. New outfitting that will let Sasquatch fit in a kayak – big, hairy, check. This isn’t just an evolution of the original. Welcome to the next gen of river-running.
• Thermoformed seat and hull beam
• Plush thermoformed seat pad
• Thigh ratchet backband
• Adjustable thigh-hooks
• Rotomolded bulkhead system
• Four deep pocket grab handles
User reviews
Overall rating
Value / Money
Smooth in flatwater, comfy waiting outside a shore break, stable, smooth surfing. If you own this boat and haven't paddled it in ocean surf, you're missing out on a lot of fun.
About Me
I'll paddle anywhere the water is clean - and hopefully warm.
Pros / The Good
This is a river-runner. I live in South Florida - not many rivers here that are distinguishable from canals. So I've had this in a pool session - super comfy, super smooth, easy to roll (I also paddle a Fluid Element, Wavesport Project X 56, Jackson Fun series, and whatever else I can get my hands on). So - I took this out in some nice little 4-6' surf.
While this isn't necessarily as agile on an ocean wave like the Fluid Element or other surf boats, this thing is smooth and I consider it the 'long board' of surf kayaks. Super stable, very predictable, and at speed is a lot of fun.
The bulkhead adjustment is awesome (coming from a surf kayaking background), and WaveSport's outfitting is great as usual (I haven't experienced the cracking that I've heard reported...
I love this boat.
While this isn't necessarily as agile on an ocean wave like the Fluid Element or other surf boats, this thing is smooth and I consider it the 'long board' of surf kayaks. Super stable, very predictable, and at speed is a lot of fun.
The bulkhead adjustment is awesome (coming from a surf kayaking background), and WaveSport's outfitting is great as usual (I haven't experienced the cracking that I've heard reported...
I love this boat.
Cons / The Bad
This kayak is heavier than others you'll frequently see in the surf - and is a little less agile. but - it's a tradeoff... long board-type surfing vs. short board-type surfing. so not too bad.
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Overall rating
Value / Money
Demo'd this boat at USNWC in Charlotte and really liked it....enough to buy one. Got a great deal at Appomattox River Company. This boat is a piece of cake to roll with the hook style thigh braces. Fun boat to paddle! I would highly recommend.
About Me
40+ year old new kayaker. just really getting into the sport and digging it!
Pros / The Good
Easy as hell to roll. Great stability and comfortable for all day padding. Well built. Awesome boat!
Cons / The Bad
None really. Bulkhead footpads don't stick well after applied. I had to use more adhesive to make them stay.
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