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Orca 16
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Sunbeam, Lava, Electric Blue
Stats (Metric)
467 cms / 15'4"
57.2 cms / 22.5"
25 kg / 55 lbs
367.2 ltr / 97 gal
What do you know about your coastline? It's more than just a boundary between the sea and the land, it's an ever-changing environment that yields its secrets to only a select few. How else, except from on the water, would you be able to explore sea caves, rock arches and inlets? You can find bays and coves that are impossible to reach on foot.
The Orca 16's an ideal way to find out more: you can edge it well enough to look straight down for starfish, anemones and seaweed. It's stable enough to be a brilliant photography platform in case you have a curious seal pop up its head to greet you, but it turns well enough to get right in close to rocky outcrops and reefs.
Front Hatch - 43ltrs / 11.5 gal
Day Hatch - N/A
Rear hatch - 64ltrs / 17 gal
The Orca 16's an ideal way to find out more: you can edge it well enough to look straight down for starfish, anemones and seaweed. It's stable enough to be a brilliant photography platform in case you have a curious seal pop up its head to greet you, but it turns well enough to get right in close to rocky outcrops and reefs.
Front Hatch - 43ltrs / 11.5 gal
Day Hatch - N/A
Rear hatch - 64ltrs / 17 gal
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