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Ayr 175

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Ayr 175 - 2850_SNAG0476_1275293364
Ayr 175 - 2850_SNAG0477_1275293364

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

532 cms / 17'5.4"
56 cms / 22"
21.6 kg / 48 lbs
342 ltr / 90.3 gal
Cockpit Length
79 cms / 31.1"
Cockpit Width
48 cms / 18.9"
Minimum Paddler Weight
55 kg / 121 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
155 kg / 342 lbs
The Ayr opens up real performance touring with a three hatch composite kayak that is swift through the water and is a design that can handle real sea conditions while the standard skeg system helps keep everything on course.

Plenty of storage in the three hatches provide the ability to go on extended trips and journeys. A real sea touring kayak for intermediate or advanced paddlers.

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