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Peace River Cruiser

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Peace River Cruiser - 5788_prccomp_1272552660

Short Facts

Venture Canoes
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

521 cms / 17'1.1"
85.5 cms / 33.7"
36 kg / 79 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
480 kg / 1058 lbs
A robust and efficient load carrier suited to more long distance touring or fast days out with the ability to cover lots of miles with or without equipment.

Used by many hire companies who put them through their paces day after day, year after year.

This is the fastest PE boat in Europe, a true mile eater!

Standard Fittings:

• Tough P.U Gunwales
• 2 wood webbing or plastic seats
• Tough moulded end deck incorporating carrying handle
• Wooden centre yoke
• Wooden carrying yoke
• Wooden rear thwart

Optional Extras:

• 3rd centre seat
• Wooden kneeling thwart
• Wood cane seats

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