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Kane 10'6"

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Kane 10'6" - 10359_kanePD1_1290607003
Kane 10'6" - 10359_02_1290607003
Kane 10'6" - 10359_kanePD3_1290607003
Kane 10'6" - 10359_03_1290607004
Kane 10'6" - 10359_kanePD4_1290607003
Kane 10'6" - 10359_04_1290607004
Kane 10'6" - 10359_01_1290607003
Kane 10'6" - 10359_kanePD2_1290607003

Short Facts

Tropical Blends

907 South Queen Street

Phone: +1 808 593 0211

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
76.2 cms / 30"
11 cms / 4.3"
Minimum Paddler Weight
49.9 kg / 110 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
83.9 kg / 185 lbs
The Kane was built for the guys that keep taking their wife’s board (The Wahine) out into the surf and asking “why the flowers”? To make everyone happy, we changed the graphics and the name. The two boards are identical in design. Both the Kane and the Wahine provide great all around performance. Whether venturing from point to point, exercising in the flats or heading straight for the surf, you can’t go wrong with either board. Includes deck traction and fin set.

Fin set-up: 2 + 1
Board Includes:
• Deck pad
• Fin set
• Leash
• Board bag

Paddle Range:
110 lbs to 185 lbs
Beginner to Advanced

Surf Range:
110 lbs to 210 lbs
Beginner to Advanced

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