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Legend Kevlar

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Legend Kevlar - 9203_thinklegendsideviewsm_1284652832
Legend Kevlar - 9203_thinklegendtopviewsm_1284652833

Short Facts


845 Huntingdon Crescent
North Vancouver
BC V7G 1M1

Phone: +1 604.924.3419

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3195

Stats (Metric)

643 cms / 21'1"
43.2 cms / 17"
12.7 kg / 28 lbs
Minimum Paddler Weight
59 kg / 130 lbs
Maximum Paddler Weight
108.9 kg / 240 lbs
The Legend stands apart from the competition with it's unique hard chine hull design. The benefit is two-fold. First, the addition of the chine adds significant secondary stability without compromising the speed of the boat. The result is that every stroke counts, which translates into more confidence and more speed. Second, when running downwind, the hard chine creates an environment of efficiency while chasing and surfing waves. The stern of the Legend picks up the wave easily, and water releases quickly from the chine, moving smoothly from displacement to plane. This speed on the wave makes it easier to recover on the runs, or link into the next one.

Other features and points of interest on the Legend: The sides of the boat at the seat are medium height, making it reasonable to remount if necessary. Tall sides at the feet, keep chop from washing into the cockpit. The pluggable drain is a massive 23mm, so drainage is quick. The deck is narrow at the paddle entry point creating a clear stroke path. Like the Evo, a dedicated leash attachment point is located mid-hump. Behind the seatwell, recessed mounts are in place holding the handy bungee cords securely. At the tail of the boat a built in weed guard keeps weeds from getting wedged under the front of the rudder.

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