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Fit 159

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Fit 159 - _image-3-1373914443
Fit 159 - _image-4-1373914443

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Blue, Black, Red, Yellow, Grey, White, Green


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This all around family can t every paddler who is looking for a budget kayak with light weight, high stability and speed. Hard chine hull provides greater initial stability, which makes it easier to get inside the boat and hold it stable. Fit 159 has a big cockpit for easy entry and a good t. Two storage compartments can hold your gear for every purpose.

TGC: 22-24 kg (49-53 lbs)

Front: oval hatch 44x26 cm (17”/10¼”)
Rear: oval hatch 44x26 cm (17”/10¼”)


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