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Bayspirit - boats_1529-1
Bayspirit - boats_1529-2

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Available Colors
Red,White, Yellow,Purple,Brown etc.


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As its name suggests, the Spirit is a kayak that creates a feeling of being at peace with nature itself.

This series of models uncompromisingly meets all expectations of every paddler. These safe and stable boats are perfect for beginners, but they can also bring joy to even an experienced kayaker. A short stint on a fast-flowing river, a weekend bonfire on a secluded beach, or an activity filled vacation exploring beautiful sea islets - these are the sort of experiences that the Spirit has waiting for you. The Spirit series is the perfect choice for those who seek the undisturbed tranquility of nature, and also for those who appreciate a quality product that comes at an affordable price.

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