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Yukon Royalex

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Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1795 / USD 1695


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The Yukon grew out of paddler requests for a larger Dumoine with greater capacity. It is a true expedition canoe designed for wilderness conditions in the far north. The Yukon integrates a remarkable balance of performance characteristics to suit northern paddling conditions. Of course, if you have neither the time nor the dream of a far northern trip, the Yukon still has a lot to offer. It is an excellent choice for every kind of paddling, from local white water rivers to offshore coastal waters. Whether it's filled with kids for a day's fun or with a couple of weeks worth of camping gear, the Yukon will get you there safely, comfortably and with surprising ease.

Gunwale Width: 37”
Waterline Width: 33.5”
Bow Rocker: 2”
Stern Rocker: 1.5”
Bow Height: 23”
Centre Depth: 14”
Stern Height: 20”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Vinyl Trim
Ash Interior
Curved Seats
Standard Yoke

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