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Shearwater GoldFusion

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Shearwater GoldFusion - 7876_zxgfe_1278429950
Shearwater GoldFusion - 7876_Shearwater11fs_1278429950
Shearwater GoldFusion - 7876_Shearwater21fs_1278429950
Shearwater GoldFusion - 7876_Shearwater31fs_1278429951

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1895 / USD 1895


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Many paddlers would enjoy solo paddling but are put off by the small, tender solo canoes that the dedicated solo paddlers prefer. They also recognize the drawbacks to paddling a tandem boat solo on long trips. The Shearwater was designed to bridge the gap between the two extremes and provides volume, stability and paddling ease to make solo tripping an enjoyable experience for more paddlers. Even though the Shearwater was designed as a user friendly tripper, experienced paddlers will find that the Shearwater is a fine high volume tripper that will perform well on both flat and Whitewater.

Gunwale Width: 29”
Waterline Width: 28”
Bow Rocker: 1.5”
Stern Rocker: 1”
Bow Height: 19”
Centre Depth: 12.5”
Stern Height: 16”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Aluminum Trim
Sliding Contour Seat

Carbon Kevlar Trim:
Guide Fusion - 38 lbs
KevlarFusion - 32 lbs
CarbonFusion - 28 lbs

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