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Raven Royalex

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Raven Royalex - 7885_Raven_1278436468
Raven Royalex - 7885_Raven21fs_1278436468
Raven Royalex - 7885_Raven31fs_1278436468
Raven Royalex - 7885_Raven11fs_1278436468

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1495 / USD 1395


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Big, roomy and stable, yet quick and maneuverable - the Raven seems most at home on whitewater rivers but also handles nicely in open water. For paddlers who take long trips with a strong whitewater emphasis, or those who like solo paddling but aren’t comfortable in tippy, small boats, the Raven is just the ticket.

Gunwale Width: 29”
Waterline Width: 29”
Bow Rocker: 3”
Stern Rocker: 2.5”
Bow Height: 21”
Centre Depth: 14”
Stern Height: 19”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Vinyl Trim
Ash Interior
Curved Seat

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