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Mattawa CarbonFusion

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Mattawa CarbonFusion - 7858_vdaf_1278417364
Mattawa CarbonFusion - 7858_Mattawa31fs_1278417364
Mattawa CarbonFusion - 7858_Mattawa21fs_1278417364
Mattawa CarbonFusion - 7858_Mattawa11fs_1278417364

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 3075 / USD 2975


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The Mattawa is a truly extraordinary small canoe. Quick and responsive, it is a delight to paddle in all conditions. Most surprising is that all this performance comes with a solid stable feel right to the swamp point and beyond! For medium and smaller sized couples, the Mattawa is a welcome addition to the paddling scene.

Gunwale Width: 36”
Waterline Width: 33”
Bow Rocker: 2.5”
Stern Rocker: 1.75”
Bow Height: 21”
Centre Depth: 13.25”
Stern Height: 18.5”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Aluminum Trim
Contour Seats
Sliding Bow Seat
Contour Yoke

Carbon Kevlar Trim:
Guide Fusion 43 lbs
KevlarFusion 35 lbs
CarbonFusion 31 lbs

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