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Dumoine Royalex

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Dumoine Royalex - 7880_Dumoine_1278432452
Dumoine Royalex - 7880_Dumoine11fs_1278432453
Dumoine Royalex - 7880_Dumoine21fs_1278432453

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Winters
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1695 / USD 1595


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The Dumoine is a truly extraordinary canoe. You will be so amazed at how you can thread your way down rapids you never thought you could run and catch eddies like a pro that you probably won't even remember how easily you addled the 20 kilometers of flat water to get to the fun part of the trip. Of course, all flat water isn't perfectly flat and when it isn't, the Dumoine may be the only boat on the lake.

Gunwale Width: 37”
Waterline Width: 33.5”
Bow Rocker: 3”
Stern Rocker: 2”
Bow Height: 23”
Centre Depth: 15”
Stern Height: 20”
Hull Shape: Asymmetrical

Standard Options:
Vinyl Trim
Ash Interior
Curved Seats
Standard Yoke

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