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Algonquin 16 GoldFusion

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Algonquin 16 GoldFusion - 7842_Algonquin16_1278348552
Algonquin 16 GoldFusion - 7842_Alg1621fs_1278348552
Algonquin 16 GoldFusion - 7842_Alg1611fs_1278348552

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
David Yost
Recommended Retail Price
CAD 1795 / USD 1795


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The Algonquin 16 one of our most popular models for good reason. It has enormous stability yet paddles and handles effortlessly. The Sixteen inspires confidence in beginning paddlers and parents in particular appreciate its roominess and stability. For photograph, hunting, fishing and other activities that require stability, the Algonquin 16 has few equals.

Waterline width: 33”
Bow Rocker: 1”
Stern Rocker: 1”
Bow Height: 20”
Centre Depth: 13”
Stern Height: 20”
Hull Shape: Symmetrical

Standard Options:
Aluminum Trim
Contour Seats
Contour Yoke

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