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Pearson Arrow 12.1 Laird

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Pearson Arrow 12.1 Laird - _1_1297702452
Pearson Arrow 12.1 Laird - _2_1297702452
Pearson Arrow 12.1 Laird - _3_1297702452

Short Facts


2685 Mat­ti­son Lane
Santa Cruz
CA 95062

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The 12’1″ Laird Hamil­ton model is one of the best wave rid­ing SUP’s, in small to per­fectly peel­ing waves…flat water ver­sa­til­ity out­side the surf zone that you wouldn’t expect from a board that is so great in the surf. If you are an expe­ri­enced surfer, (or wave novice cross­ing over from flat water pad­dling), offers excel­lent han­dling on small to big waves. NOSE: 23.25″ 59.055 cm
TAIL: 20″ 50.8 cm
FINS: Box, 2+1 Future 6.5“Arrow cen­ter

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