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Munoz 12.6 Wateryder

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Munoz 12.6 Wateryder - _1_1297699884
Munoz 12.6 Wateryder - _2_1297699885
Munoz 12.6 Wateryder - _3_1297699885

Short Facts


2685 Mat­ti­son Lane
Santa Cruz
CA 95062

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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The 12’6 Watery­der SUP is great board. I can be used for fast pad­dling, semi-race dis­tance, expe­di­tion, tan­dem rid­ing, fish­ing, div­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, and, “rid­ing waves of pure fun.” Any­one from adults, to kids, and even dogs can enjoy this board. NOSE: 13″ 33.02 cm
THICK: 4.5″ 11.43 cm
FINS: FCS, 2+1 SURF10 / MUNOZ 7.5 center

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