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French 9.8 Jamie Mitchell

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French 9.8 Jamie Mitchell - _1_1296668642
French 9.8 Jamie Mitchell - _2_1296668642
French 9.8 Jamie Mitchell - _3_1296668642

Short Facts


2685 Mat­ti­son Lane
Santa Cruz
CA 95062

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Randy French
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

295 cms / 9'8"
71.1 cms / 28"
10.8 cms / 4.3"
135 ltr / 35.7 gal
French 9.8 Jamie Mitchell Jamie Mitchell is one of the most pro­lific water­men of our time, he knows no bound­aries. The 8 x Molokai to Oahu Pad­dle­board Race Champ is noth­ing if not ver­sa­tile. From pad­dling the treach­er­ous Molokai chan­nel to charg­ing death-defying waves on his 9’8” SUP, Jamie is not one to back down from a chal­lenge. Mas­ter crafts­man, Randy French had to take Jamie’s ver­sa­til­ity into con­sid­er­a­tion when design­ing his 9’8” SUP. The rounded pin­tail and mod­er­ate bot­tom curve allow the 9’8” JM Model to han­dle large steep waves yet it’s loose enough to rip your local beach break apart! This board is ideal for the inter­me­di­ate to advanced SUP surfer who wants one board for a wide vari­ety of conditions.

NOSE: 18.75″ 47.625 cm
TAIL: 16.5″ 41.91 cm
FINS: 2+1 Futures side fins 8” Surftech Center

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