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WindSUP 12'0"

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WindSUP 12'0" - _windsup120-1383758868
WindSUP 12'0" - _windsup12cons-1383758868
WindSUP 12'0" - _windsup12-1383758868

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

370 cms / 12'1.7"
82 cms / 32.3"
11.8 cms / 4.6"
205 ltr / 54.2 gal
"The ultimate paddleboard and windsurf cross-over with daggerboard options."

WindSUP 12' The most stable board known as the Big Easy. It's a solid
platform for even the heaviest of riders. Great for riding with a paddle or a rig.
Includes a fully retractable daggerboard.
• Soft top with extra strong and hard bottom.
• Extra-strong bottom laminate.
• Wood reinforced standing area.
• Full size 4mm grooved deck pad.
• Strong thermoformed EVA rails.
• Tail bumper for safety.
• US middle box and Surf Finz convertible side fin boxes.
• Starboard injection-molded center and side fins.
• Best value.

Tail Width: 42.6 cm

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