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Wide Point 8'2"

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Wide Point 8'2" - _widepoint82-1383034603
Wide Point 8'2" - 13511_widepoint82a-1383034974

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
"The time has arrived to understand that width means stability, speed and power."

The 8'2" x 32" is a new breed of board with its own signature move that found its place during testing on wave after wave. Holding the bottom turn a little shallower, then drawing a line to go into a heavy flowing cutback, this board just gauged and kept speed running with Starboard’s unique Wing Quad fin set-up. The dimensions are the miracle that offers certainty under foot and reliability when turning to take-off. Here is a board that will be enjoyed by all and certainly borrowed by your friends. Getting it back from them will be the only difficult thing you’ll find with this board.

"Continuous single concave the entire length of the board." Features

• The ultimate experience.
• The lightest technology.
• The strongest wave boards in our offering.
• The quickest response.
• Light paint job to reduce weight and heat.
• Full deck and bottom wrap of extra high quality biaxial carbon.
• Full deck and bottom wrap of high density strong PVC foam.
• Ultra-light Startouch deck grip.
• Red Starboard Hexcel center and side fin.

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