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Whopper Club 10.0

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Write Review
Whopper Club 10.0 - 8287_whopperclubdetail01_1280222667

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

305 cms / 10'0.1"
86.5 cms / 34.1"
10.5 cms / 4.1"
168 ltr / 44.4 gal
The Whopper Club edition features high density EVA nose and tail bumpers to reduce the risk of injuries. The side fin Mini TT fin boxes are extra strong , especially well suited for school usage and the board now sports a US mid fin box. The standing area is color coded to indicate the best paddling position.

All together the very best board ever to learn to Sup with in waves, this combined with unique high performance wave riding characteristic, revolutionizing Stand up paddle boarding.
Mono concave nose section to flat middle and V in tail. Lots of nose kick to get an easy take off.

Tail Width: 18.4" /46.5 cm
Stability rating: 9
Thruster fin system
17 cm fin / 6.7" Center fin
12 cm / 4.7" Side fin

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