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Sprint 14'0" x 25"

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Sprint 14'0" x 25" - _sprint14mul24-1383231469
Sprint 14'0" x 25" - _sprint14mul24a-1383231469
Sprint 14'0" x 25" - _starboard12-6b-1383231469

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

427 cms / 13'12"
63.5 cms / 25"
220 ltr / 58.1 gal
"The fastest flat-water board."

We truly enjoyed refining the nose and tail section of the Sprint range, believing a slender deflecting V nose would glide through flat water with noticeably lower resistance. The waterline length is maximized with a low-sitting nose rocker, while the flattened-out middle rocker enables the hull to maintain higher speeds over a longer time. The combination of all the small tweaks paid off and the final Sprint designs are clearly a faster flat-water range than anything we have ever built. The recessed standing area lowers the center of gravity and improves stability, making it possible to ride this narrower design with full power. The slender hull width also allows the paddle to pass closer to the center-line of the board, maximizing strokes per side, making each stroke more efficient and more balanced. A state-of-the-art full sandwich PVC, UD carbon technology is extra-stiff, light and super-durable.

Design team
Brian Szymanski, Mathieu Rauzier and Svein Rasmussen

Testing team
Connor Baxter, Gaetan Sene, Annabel Anderson
• Stiff and light construction
• Full PVC sandwich for increased toughness and impact resistance
• UD carbon for optimum longitudinal strength
• Recessed standing area for stability
• Narrow hull allowing paddle to pass closer to center line of board
• Red Starboard Hexcel center Race 24 sandwich Carbon Fin

Tail Width: 33.1 cm

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