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Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5"

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Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope2-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope2acons-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope3ab-cons-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope2a-cons-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope3a-cons-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope3-cons-1421238317
Paddle For Hope 11'6" x 29.5" - _paddle-for-hope2-cons-1421238317

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

351 cms / 11'6"
74.9 cms / 29.5"
11.8 cms / 4.6"
235 ltr / 62.1 gal
Maximum Paddler Weight
75 kg / 165 lbs
“The Starboard Paddle For Hope 11’6” x 29.5” Touring, inspired by Karin Horen” “The Paddle For Hope is a celebration of life. Our goal is to give back some strength and confidence to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and give them the chance to start healing through paddleboarding.” – Karin Horen, Paddle For Hope Ambassador.

SUP Fitness Instructor and mother-of-three, Karin Horen first had breast cancer at the age of 26. When she recovered, she made a promise to help others on the same journey, and in 2011, together with volunteers and Starboard NZ, Karin initiated the annual Starboard Paddle For Hope Charity event; a fun stand up paddling festival where everyone dresses up in pink to raise money and awareness for breast cancer rehabilitation.

In 2014 Karin had breast cancer for the second time, and underwent a double mastectomy, harsh chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments and reconstructive surgery, all the while using paddle-boarding to help her recover.

Karin is now working with Lou James of Pinc and Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust to develop PaddleOn, a stand up paddle rehabilitation program for men and women living with cancer or its effects. Starboard is donating all profit from sales of this board to Pinc and Steel.

The board features artwork from The Painted Warrior, by NZ artist Nikki Sorich. In the original painting she sits gracefully in a small paper boat on which is written by her child -“love, hope, courage, faith and family”- words chosen to represent a woman’s journey with breast cancer, and echoed through symbols in the artwork, such as the Maori headband woven to represent her ancestors and family. The Koru is a symbol of growth, strength and peace that also resembles ocean waves, and the dove – for hope. The Painted Warrior is returning from a journey. Victorious.

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