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Freeride AST Candy 12'2" X 30"

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Freeride AST Candy 12'2" X 30" - _freerideast1230a-1412923089
Freeride AST Candy 12'2" X 30" - _freerideast1230-1412923089

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

371 cms / 12'2"
76.2 cms / 30"
11.7 cms / 4.6"
13.5 kg / 30 lbs
198 ltr / 52.3 gal
Maximum Paddler Weight
95 kg / 209 lbs
"Ultimate glide and speed on an all-round board."

The Freeride is a hybrid concept, taking some of our race board development and applying it to an allrounder shape. It is designed to fit in the all-round (surf class) race category. Initially it appears like an all-round cruising board, but as soon as you start paddling it, you unleash the racing DNA. The board is extremely versatile and user friendly, a thrill on a downwind run or friendly race, but also ideal for cruising your favorite area with minimum effort. The wide nose section makes it extra stable. The nose rocker has been traded for a chamfered double concave nose, offering amazing water deflection. Now the icing on the cake: the Electric Blue version has become an amazing windsurfer, offering an unmatched experience. "Double-concave V at nose, merging to single concave mid-to-tail sections"

AST Candy Features

• Full EVA deck pad
• PU painted ding-resistant rails.
• Full deck pad with 3 mm square-groove traction EVA foam in the standing area, 2 mm EVA fore and aft.
• All boards 9'8" and shorter feature an integrated EVA kicker on the tail.
• Hexcel center fins.
• Starboard flex side fins for all models.

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