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Fisherman 11'2" X 39"

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Fisherman 11'2" X 39" - _fishermenstarboard1a1b-1421236274
Fisherman 11'2" X 39" - _fishermenstarboard1a-1421236274
Fisherman 11'2" X 39" - _fishermenstarboard1a-1421236274
Fisherman 11'2" X 39" - _fishermenstarboard1a1-1421236274

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

340 cms / 11'2"
99.1 cms / 39"
12.5 cms / 4.9"
19.3 kg / 43 lbs
280 ltr / 74 gal
Maximum Paddler Weight
140 kg / 309 lbs
“Experience waterways through stability and glide like never before.”

The Fisherman is an extra-wide hull with high stabilizing rails. The dug out mid-deck section offers an ultra-stable platform for paddling. Features include drain channels, multiple tie-down positions with bungee straps for storage, 4 FCS inserts for lights, GPS or phone and ScottyTM Marine inserts (compatible with RAM and Scotty fishing rod mounting systems) making the Fisherman a revolutionary multi-purpose Stand-Up Paddleboard.

“Mono-concave merging to a flat V”
Tail Width: 24.0”

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