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Atlas Extra

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Atlas Extra - _atlasextra-1382690829
Atlas Extra - _atlasextra1-1382690829

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Eric Williams
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

366 cms / 12'0"
91.4 cms / 36"
11.7 cms / 4.6"
253 ltr / 66.8 gal
“An ultra-stable ride with good glide and fun downwind characteristics.”

Inspired by the popular Atlas, the Atlas Extra provides additional stability and features a race rocker in the aft section of the board which provides good glide and ample nose kick for downwinders in choppy waters. Relative to its width, it feels nimble and tracks well. Deck inserts are provided on the nose of the board for gear storage. Thanks to our friend Eric Williams for the inspiration to create a beautiful hull suiting people with heavier bones or those wanting to tour with a lot of gear.

“Mono-concave merging to a flat V”

• Starboard pioneered molded wood technology back in 1994.
• Impact-resistant wood deck.
• UV Protect film on exposed wood 3/4 deck pad with 4mm square groove EVA foam in the standing area and 2mm EVA fore and aft.
• PU ding-resistant rails.
• All boards 9’8” and shorter feature integrated EVA kicker on the tail.
• Red Starboard Hexcel center fin
• Red Starboard Hexcel side fins on pro models.
• Starboard flex side fins on the rest.

Tail Width: 19.8"

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