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Astro Ocean Rescue 12'0"

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Astro Ocean Rescue 12'0" - _astrooceanrescue-1383748749
Astro Ocean Rescue 12'0" - 13597_oceanrescueastro-1383750320

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

366 cms / 12'0"
71.1 cms / 28"
15 cms / 5.9"
315 ltr / 83.2 gal
"Developed for ocean rescue, the Astro version revolutionizes all we know about safety!"
The extra nose volume and higher nose rocker cuts down on drag while paddle transporting a person through surf. At 28" wide the hull is narrow enough for prone paddling and knee paddling. The high volume rails provide ample stability for stand-up paddling and patrolling. The hull's length offers great glide for cruising and the well-balanced board surfs real well for its size.

Multiple handles have been attached for the distressed person to hold onto. The handles can also be used for the Life Guards to carry the rescued person on top of the board from the water to the car.

Now offered in inflatable as well.

"Mono-concave merging to flat V"
Starboard offers the service of custom decorating the front section of the board with the name of the surf rescue club or association. Tail Width: 71.1 cm

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