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All Star Jr 10'6" X 24"

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All Star Jr 10'6" X 24" - _allstar-junior-1421399632
All Star Jr 10'6" X 24" - _allstar-juniorbanner-1421399633
All Star Jr 10'6" X 24" - _allstar-junior1-1421399633

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

320 cms / 10'6"
61 cms / 24"
14.2 cms / 5.6"
150 ltr / 39.6 gal
Maximum Paddler Weight
50 kg / 110 lbs
“A perfect board for future racers.” We see younger and younger athletes at every race, many of them using a board that is proportionally too big for them. The All Star Junior is aimed for kids up to 40kg who don’t yet have the power to paddle a 12’6” board up to hull speed. It is perfectly dimensioned to get the best speed for kids’ strength and to ride in all conditions without being overwhelmed by the power of wind and ocean.

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