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Air Born 7'10" x 31.5" AST Candy

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Air Born 7'10" x 31.5" AST Candy - _fishstarboard-airborn-1385489237
Air Born 7'10" x 31.5" AST Candy - 13706_fishstarboard-airbornfins-1385489296
Air Born 7'10" x 31.5" AST Candy - _fishasdcandycons-1385489237
Air Born 7'10" x 31.5" AST Candy - _fishasdcandy-1385489237

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

239 cms / 7'10"
80 cms / 31.5"
Maximum Paddler Weight
38.6 kg / 85 lbs
"Small surf, extraordinary performance!"

For those looking for ultra-high performance and stability in small surf, the Air Born 7'10'x31.5" has all the characteristics of the 30" board and more. We traded 1/10 of an inch thickness for 1.5 inches of width, keeping almost the same volume. This ultra-thin profile allows the board to flex more and store all the energy ready for release on your airs or cutbacks, while providing extra stability and control. This is the ultimate performance fish. "Mono-concave merging to double concave with tail V" Features

• Full EVA deck pad
• PU painted ding-resistant rails.
• Full deck pad with 3 mm square-groove traction EVA foam in the standing area, 2 mm EVA fore and aft.
• All boards 9'8" and shorter feature an integrated EVA kicker on the tail.
• Hexcel center fins.
• Starboard flex side fins for all models.

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