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Kayak Top

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Kayak Top - _1_1298896120
Kayak Top - _2_1298896120

Short Facts

South Pacific

Buenos Aires

Phone: +54 11-4731-1565

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

300 cms / 9'10.1"
65 cms / 25.6"
16 kg / 35 lbs
Kayak Top Colores / Diseños - A eleccion delcliente
Brida de union - Interna
Tambucho - Si
Correas popa - Si
Correas en proa - No
Manijas de transporte - 2
Posacaña de serie - No
Traba pala de serie - No
Autovaciables - Lateral

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