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SOLtrain 10'7"

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SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-19-35-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-21-04-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-20-35-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-20-58-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-19-50-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-20-48-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-19-45-1449588459
SOLtrain 10'7" - _sup-kayak-2015-12-08-at-16-20-41-1449588459

Short Facts

SOL Paddle Boards

CO 81435

Phone: +1 970 708-7209

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

323 cms / 10'7"
85.1 cms / 33.5"
15.2 cms / 6"
300 ltr / 79.3 gal
Maximum Total Capacity
136.1 kg / 300 lbs
The SOLtrain is the staple of SOL! At 10'7" and 33.5" it handles a 300lb payload and still maneuvers on a dime! This board is the perfect all around board for any type of water activity. River running, lake cruising, ocean exploring, yoga posing to hanging with your furry friend, this board offers it all! Holding up to 15 psi of air, these boards pump up rock hard for maximum rigidity and stiffness.

• Double reinforced sidewalls for extra strength and protection.
• Nylon reinforced "D" ring attachments to ensure maximum tension and cargo carrying capacity.
• Oversized rear "D" ring.
• Cushioned handles in the front, middle and back of the board for easy transportability and added safety.
• PVC nose cone for extra protection and durability.
• Lifetime warranty on inflation valve.

All boards come with a pump, paddle and a transportable backpack

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