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Pro Pioneer

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Pro Pioneer - 7354_pro01_1276097857
Pro Pioneer - 7354_pro03_1276097857
Pro Pioneer - 7354_pro04_1276097857
Pro Pioneer - 7354_pro05_1276097857
Pro Pioneer - 7354_pro02_1276097857

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 2595
Available Colors

Stats (Metric)

488 cms / 16'0"
122 cms / 4'0"
38.6 kg / 85 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
680.4 kg / 1500 lbs
The Pro Pioneer was designed specifically for the Alaskan Float Hunter! It can carry 2 hunters and a moose plus a weeks worth of gear. A single hunter can carry a moose, a caribou and a bear all in one load. 14 additional d-rings have been added to increase the already numerous lashing spots. Six handles (bow, stern and two on each side) for provide great assistance in maneuvering through too shallow waters or over log jams.

Since its introduction in 2004, the Pro Pioneer has quickly established itself as the 'Go To' boat for float hunters. It's easy to transport and is rugged as can be!

Tube Diameter - 14"
Floor Thickness - 5"
Air Chambers - 3
No. of Persons - 1-3
Cargo Capacity - 21+ cu ft
Rolled Size - 22" x 13" x 45"
Warranty - 5 Years

All SOAR Inflatables are delivered with a double action hand pump, straps to keep your inflatable tightly rolled, and a repair kit. All other accessories are optional.

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