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Paddleski 395ps

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Short Facts

Sea Eagle

19 N. Columbia St, Suite 1
Port Jefferson
NY 11777

Phone: +1 631 473 7308

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

394 cms / 12'11.1"
99 cms / 39"
18 kg / 40 lbs
Maximum Total Capacity
227 kg / 500 lbs
A unique inflatable catamaran kayak which provides stability, speed as well as the ability to attach a motor or sail.
Standard Features:
• NMMA Certified
• Two skegs for directional stability
• 6 D-Rings to secure seats for one or two person use
• Three aluminum crossbars for a rigid structure
• Four side carry handles & bow handle
• Front Spray Skirt with water deflector guard & rope lacing
• Wide beam hull design for stability

Interior: 351 cm x 41 cm
Deflated: 97 cm x 46 cm x 23 cm
Tube Diameter: 32 cm
Capacity: 2 Adults or 227 kg
Chambers: 2 (port & starboard)
Material: 1100 Decitex Reinforced
Seam: Quadruple Overlap Seam
Floor: 2000 Denier Reinforced Material
Air Valves: Recessed One Way
Engine Capacity: 55 lb. thrust electric or 3 hp gas
Inflation time: 5 min.

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