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Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar

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Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _main_1301592478
Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _04_1301592479
Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _01_1301592478
Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _05_1301592480
Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _02_1301592479
Blackwater Carbon/Kevlar w/extra Layer of Kevlar - _03_1301592479

Short Facts

Savage River

583 Clifton Dr.
MD 21550

Phone: +1 301-334-2335

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Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
John Diller
Construction & Material
Recommended Retail Price
USD 3000

Stats (Metric)

518 cms / 17'0"
71.1 cms / 28"
43.2 cms / 17"
11.3 kg / 25 lbs
This is a great solo tripping canoe for lakes and rivers of all types. The sleek lines and light weight makes it probably the fastest tripping cruising canoe of its kind. The extra volume above the water line gives for a great secondary stability for leaning and carving turn while going through class II whitewater. It also meets the specs for the stock racing class. The tucked in gunwales makes for a comfortable paddling and the flared bow sheds the water on choppy lakes and whitewater. At the end of the day its light weight makes it an easy carry back to the car or cottage. Whether a quick trip around the lake for a workout, a day of fishing, or a week long wilderness trip the Blackwater is a great boat of choice.

4" Waterline - 27"
Gunwale Width - 21"
Height - 16"/12"/12" or as high as 17"/13"/13"

Other Options:
Cane Seat - -$50
Seat Mounted in Bulkheads - $75
Small Bailer - $90
Carbon Thwarts - $100
Seat Pad - $20
Detachable Portaging Yoke - $50
Canoe Storage Cover - $125

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